A downloadable game for Windows

Conway's Game of Life - Raylib C++ Project


A computer mouse is needed if you want to pan the camera or delete cells quickly.

Left Mouse Button: Tap or Hold to place cells.

Right Mouse Button: Tap or Hold to delete cells.

Middle Mouse Button Scroll: Zooms the camera in or out.

Middle Mouse Button Held: Pans the camera.

Plus Key: Increases speed of play mode.

Minus Key: Decreases speed of play mode.

R Key: Reverses the steps of the simulation.

GUI Buttons (In order from left to right)

Arrow Left Button: Steps the simulation back a step.

Arrow Right Button: Steps the simulation forward a step.

Play/Pause: Plays or Pauses steps increasing on an interval.

Trashcan Button: Clears the canvas and all saved steps.


The canvas is of an infinite size, so every cell is instantiated and deleted and not
preloaded on program start. Basically placing a lot will be slow and have computer go brrr.

Published 1 day ago


Conway's Game of Life.zip 203 kB

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